Everyone that faces the loss of a loved one will also deal with a long and difficult journey to healing, starting with a service at a funeral home in Jacksonville, FL or non-traditional services, and often ending with some tough questions like “Why did this happen to us?” “Why did God let something like this happen?” “How will I start to feel better?” “How do I find the positive in this loss?”
If you’re asking yourself these or similar questions, you are definitely not alone. These questions are quite common after the loss of a loved one, but these answers might help:
- What Should I Do if I Feel Like I’ll Never Get Over the Loss? Death and loss aren’t something one should try to overcome, especially since death and loss aren’t things that anyone can fix. Instead of trying to fix the grief, learn to live with it. It will adapt as you grow, and you will slowly begin to move forward.
- Why Don’t I Feel Better Yet? Losing someone you love isn’t like breaking a leg or spraining your wrist. There is no set amount of time that it will take your loss to heal. Let yourself grieve as long as you need to. You will start to feel better over time as you slowly reach healing milestones. Celebrate your small victories as you heal.
- How Can I Tell My Doctor That I Don’t Want Medication? Communication is key with your health professional, especially when it comes to mental health. It’s vital that you communicate with your doctor if you don’t want to take medication, as then he or she can come up with a different plan to help you.
- Why Aren’t My Friends Supporting Me? Many people don’t know how to help someone that is grieving, as it’s such a personal thing to deal with. Your friends, coworkers, or even family simply might not know how to relate to what you’re going through, or they might be afraid of offending you. Tell them how you feel, and what they can do to better support you.
- What’s Wrong with Me? If you feel like your grief is different or weird, don’t worry. Nothing is wrong with you. We all grieve in different ways. You might be grieving differently that someone that is facing the exact same loss as you, and that’s OK. Even if it feels like no one can understand you, try talking about your feelings.

Everyone can find themselves asking different questions, as everyone responds to grief differently. Have compassion and understanding with yourself as you grieve, and don’t try to overthink what you’re going through. Most importantly, talk about your feelings and experiences either with a loved one or a professional.
We are here to help if you want to learn more about dealing with grief or Jacksonville, FL funeral homes. We are ready to do what we can for you in your time of loss, so please call or visit us today.